2023-2024 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
FREN 425 - Libertine Fiction of the French 18th Century Beginning in the 17th century under the label libertinage érudit, libertine fiction evolves into a major genre in the Enlightenment. The course follows its development through readings of Prèvost, Crébillon fils, Diderot, Denon, and Sade, and explores the following questions: How do philosophy, fiction, and sexual politics coalesce in libertine literature? How can one reconcile libertinage - a way of living and writing frequently reduced to passion and sensuality - with the broader currents of the most “rational” century in French literary history? An exploration of libertine literature thus entails a focus on cultural history, and serves as a point of departure for a broader reflection on the Enlightenment.
Credits: 1.00 Corequisite: None Prerequisites: Two 350-level French literature courses Major/Minor Restrictions: None Class Restriction: None Area of Inquiry: Human Thought and Expression Liberal Arts Practices: Artistic Practice and Interpretation or Language Study Core Component: None
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