2017-2018 University Catalogue 
    Feb 09, 2025  
2017-2018 University Catalogue [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

BIOL 350 - Biophysics

An introduction to biological physics including a survey of topics such as diffusion, Brownian motion, non-Newtonian fluids, self-assembly, cooperativity, bioenergetics, and nerve impulses, as well as experimental techniques and analytical approaches. Students first develop the interdisciplinary knowledge needed to address biophysical questions. The course then focuses on the reading, presentation, and critique of current biophysics research literature. Although challenging in its breadth, this course is intended to be accessible to juniors and seniors majoring in physics, chemistry, or biology.

Credits: 1.00
Crosslisted: PHYS 350  
When Offered: Spring semester only, in alternate years

Corequisite: None
Prerequisites: MATH 111 or MATH 161  
Major/Minor Restrictions: None
Class Restriction: No First-year, Sophomore
Area of Inquiry: Natural Sciences & Mathematics
Liberal Arts CORE: None

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