2022-2023 University Catalog 
    Oct 18, 2024  
2022-2023 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

The Classics

Professors R. Ammerman
Associate Professors Benson, Rood (Chair), Stull
Assistant Professors Tober

The Department of the Classics offers a multifaceted approach to the ancient Greek and Roman world, with courses not only in language and literature but also history, art, archaeology, religion, politics, philosophy, and anthropology. Students may pursue a major in Latin, Greek, the classics, or classical studies. Majors in Latin, Greek, or the classics make language and literature their main focus; majors in classical studies give less emphasis to the languages but acquire a broad understanding of different aspects of ancient civilization. Recent graduates from the Department of the Classics are pursuing diverse careers in fields such as law, medicine, advertising, computer science, and education. Many, too, have gone on to do graduate work in classics or related disciplines.

 ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  , and   require no knowledge of Greek or Latin language. These courses are open to all students, but are subject to limitations in enrollment set by the instructor.

Major Programs in the Classics

There are four possible majors in the classics: Greek, Latin, the classics, and classical studies. All majors require a minimum of eight courses within the department but vary in the amount and level of language study required. In addition, all majors require the senior seminar (

 ), taken in the fall of senior year.


The Newton Lloyd Andrews Prize — established in memory of Newton Lloyd Andrews, a member of the class of 1862, to support the study of the art and monuments of ancient Greece and Italy, Gothic architecture, or Renaissance painting.

The J. Curtiss Austin Latin Prize — established as a memorial to Dr. J. Curtiss Austin in honor of his 40 years on the Colgate faculty, and awarded by the Department of the Classics to the student whose performance in Latin has been the most outstanding.

The Award for Excellence — awarded annually to that first-year or sophomore student who shows the best promise in a course in Latin or Greek and who achieves the best record among his/her peers in Latin or Greek.

The Baldwin Greek Prize — established for the sophomore class for the examination in writing upon some author, or work of an author, read by the class. No student may compete unless his/her standing in all departments averages at least B (3.00). The award is made by a committee not associated with the university.

Advanced Placement and Transfer Credit

To evaluate a student’s qualifications for advanced placement, the department requires the submission of an Advanced Placement Examination in Latin. Students who submit a grade of 4 or 5 and complete LATN 201  or a higher-level course in Latin will receive one credit for LATN 122  for the AP examination that may count toward a major in the department.

Transfer credit for a major is granted for courses comparable to those required for the classics major at Colgate on an individual basis. Evidence of course content may be required.

Honors and High Honors

The minimum departmental GPA required for honors in the classics, classical studies, Greek, or Latin is 3.50; for high honors 3.80. In addition, successful completion of an honors thesis and an oral examination is required. Honors candidates usually take

 ,   or   in the fall of their senior year while writing their theses. Proposals for theses should be prepared in the spring of the junior year in consultation with the thesis adviser. Theses are then revised during the first half of the spring semester of the senior year and defended in April.

Extended Studies


The department offers students who are enrolled in

  or who have completed   (or higher), an opportunity to explore the material culture of Greece through a course that culminates in a three-week trip to Greece in May. For further information, see the course descriptions of   and CLAS 251E  and consult with a faculty member in the department.

Rome and Pompeii

The department offers students who are enrolled in LATN 122 , or have completed LATN 122  (or higher), an opportunity to explore the material culture of Rome and Pompeii through a course that culminates in a three-week trip to Italy in May. For further information, see the course descriptions of

  and   and consult with a faculty member in the department.

Sicily and Southern Italy

The department offers students who are enrolled in, or have completed, 

  or   (or higher), an opportunity to explore the material culture of Sicily and Southern Italy through a course that culminates in a three-week trip to Italy in which students participate in excavations at the Graeco-Roman site of Paestum in May. For further information, see the course descriptions of   and   and consult with a faculty member in the department. 

The Venice Study Group

The Venice Study Group offers majors who have had one or more years of Latin or Greek at Colgate the opportunity to explore sites and monuments of the classical world. The archaeology of Italy forms a major component of this interdisciplinary study group. For further information, see Off-Campus Study .

Classical Studies in Rome

The department is a member institution of the Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies in Rome, which offers a full schedule of classics- and archaeology-related courses each fall and spring. For further information, consult with a member of the department.


Majors and Minors



      The Classics