2023-2024 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
ENGL 155 - Poetry: Form and Context A course on poetry that is open to everyone, especially total beginners and those who “don’t get it.” Students learn to engage with poems in a variety of ways through activities in imitation, memorization, close reading, and critical writing. Topics may include major authors, from Shakespeare to Dickinson to Brooks and beyond; lyrics, rhythm, and the connection between words and music; poetic forms such as the sonnet, elegy, ode, and ballad; translation; certain schools or communities of poets; contemporary poetry; and other poetic matters, at the discretion of the instructor.
Credits: 1.0 Corequisite: None Prerequisites: None Major/Minor Restrictions: None Class Restriction: No Junior, No Senior Area of Inquiry: Human Thought and Expression Liberal Arts Practices: Artistic Practice and Interpretation and The Process of Writing Core Component: None
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