2023-2024 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
REST 255 - Then and Now: Russia and Ukraine; Courage, Conformity, Atrocity Addresses problems that are contemporary and urgent. They are at the same time rooted in regional history—meaning that solutions require regional knowledge—and, for better and worse, universal. Course material oscillates between the regional and the universal, looking at texts (novels, poems, essays, histories) that focus on issues of courage and conformity under Stalin and Hitler, and trying to understand their implications for us now, including in the United States. Writers include Czeslaw Milosz (poems and essays); Vasily Grossman and Lidia Chukovskaya (fiction); Timothy Snyder (history and contemporary analysis); Jonathan Rausch (contemporary analysis).
Credits: 1.0 Corequisite: None Prerequisites: None Major/Minor Restrictions: None Class Restriction: None Area of Inquiry: Social Relations,Inst.& Agents Core Component: None
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