2023-2024 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
ENGL 207 - New Immigrant Voices An introduction to literary study focusing on narratives of 20th-century American immigration. What does it mean to say “America is a nation of immigrants”? As a literary form, the American immigrant narrative describes the process of migration, Americanization, and (un)settlement. In this course, students pay particular attention to how race, gender, class, and sexuality, as well as the changing character of American cities, shape the immigrant experience. Is ethnicity in opposition to Americanness? How is identity transformed by migration? How and why is home remembered? How is coming of age paralleled with migration? What narrative strategies are deployed? Finally, what are the constitutive tropes of American immigrant fiction?
Credits: 1.00 Corequisite: None Prerequisites: None Major/Minor Restrictions: None Class Restriction: No Junior, Senior Area of Inquiry: Human Thought and Expression Core Component: None
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