2019-2020 University Catalog 
    Feb 09, 2025  
2019-2020 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Life






Student Affairs

Office of the Dean of the College

The Vice President and Dean of the College, the chief student affairs officer, is concerned with the overall personal and educational development of students as well as the integration of Colgate’s academic and campus life programs.

The departments within the Office of the Dean of the College provide holistic opportunities for students to develop ways of learning and living that are characteristic of a residential liberal arts education, guided by intellectualism, citizenship, accountability, diversity and inclusion, personal growth and wellness, and a lifelong connection to Colgate. 

Each student has access to an administrative dean who assists with personal and/or academic matters and provides information about the many support resources available at Colgate. These services include support for students admitted to Colgate through the Office of Undergraduate Scholars Programs and the First Generation Initiative. In addition, the Office of International Student Services provides immigration and cultural adjustment support. The Office of Student Conduct is responsible for educating students about the expectations of living within a scholar community and for holding members of the community accountable and responsible for the choices they make.

Health, wellness and safety services help students with a variety of psychological and physical health concerns and with maintaining their overall health and well-being through Counseling and Psychological Services, Haven, Student Health Services, and the Shaw Wellness Institute. The Office of Campus Safety supports student safety on campus. More specialized campus safety and preparedness is the responsibility of the Emergency Management and Environmental Health and Safety programs.

The Office of Residential Life supports students personal growth by providing residential and living-learning experiences that fosters a welcoming, enriching, and supportive community throughout their college years. Students’ residential experiences begin with orientation programs and membership in a Residential Commons, which establishes a strong foundation for scholarship and community.

Opportunities for student engagement and leadership are available through the ALANA Cultural Center, Office of the Chaplains, the Center for Leadership and Student Involvement, Office of Fraternity and Sorority Advising, LGBTQ+ Initiatives, the Max A. Shacknai Center for Outreach, Volunteerism, and Education (COVE), and the Shaw Wellness Institute. These departments benefit from working closely together and with the guidance and leadership of the Dean of Students.

Administrative Deans

Colgate has a wide range of educational opportunities and the University assigns an administrative dean and a faculty academic adviser to provide guidance.

Working collaboratively with faculty to address needs holistically, administrative deans assist students with interpretation of the University’s policies and procedures, as well as with questions pertaining to graduation requirements, leaves of absence, disciplinary matters, or emergencies or problems that may affect the quality of their academic work. Administrative deans are also available to assist with personal issues and may, at the request of the student, contact others in the Colgate community or elsewhere who may be better positioned to assist depending on the situation.

International Student Services

The Office of International Student Services (OISS) understands that studying at Colgate as an international student presents unique opportunities and challenges, from immigration concerns to adjusting to life in a new culture and everything in between. OISS is committed to thoughtfully supporting the international student community from the time of admission to graduation and beyond, working closely with campus partners to ensure a smooth and successful transition to student life in the United States. Some of the regulatory services provided are F-1 student immigration advising and support, SEVIS (Student and Exchange Visitor Information System) administration, and compliance with Federal Immigration Regulations. Additionally, students are supported through an international student orientation, cultural adjustment support, campus programs and event, and coordination of housing, meals, and activities during breaks.

Student Activities

The Center for Leadership and Student Involvement (CLSI) supports Colgate’s commitment to extending liberal arts learning beyond the classroom. Its mission is to foster student-centered programming that creates a healthy and vibrant campus culture where all can find their place. The professional staff members encourage and assist students in their efforts to organize around issues of interest as individuals, scholars, and active citizens. They also advise and support the experiential learning opportunities that comes from membership and participation in student organizations, where leadership, scholarship, and service are fostered.

Students are encouraged to take on responsibility in student organizations, and their initiatives are supported through coaching and mentoring in leadership and management. Leadership development programs challenge and support Colgate students in the development of important competencies. The function of the office is not only to host events, but also to provide the resources and support that enable students to pursue their interests and accomplish their goals.

The CLSI partners with students to enrich the social, cultural, physical, and intellectual experience of life at Colgate. Emphasis is placed on understanding, appreciating, and engaging the rich diversity of interests and experiences in the Colgate community. The staff is committed to promoting and supporting educational efforts related to physical and emotional health as well as to issues affecting the world beyond the University.

Student Organizations

Colgate students have the opportunity to join more than 150 recognized student organizations. Some are strictly co-curricular; others are related to specific aspects of the academic program or professional development. With the exception of fraternities and sororities, all student organizations are open to any student, although some are honorary. If students have interests that are not represented among the existing student organizations, they can create new ones. The ALANA Cultural Center, Office of the Chaplains, Center for Outreach, Volunteerism, and Education (COVE), Center for Leadership and Student Involvement (CLSI), LGBTQ+ Initiatives, and Shaw Wellness Institute, and are the coordinating departments for the majority of student organizations.

Opportunities for engagement include the following:

  • Creative and Performing Arts – dance, student theater, and a cappella groups
  • Cultural Engagement – celebrating diverse heritages, creating change
  • Entrepreneurship – launching ventures
  • Entertainment  - spread joy and laughter
  • Faith-based and Spiritual – practice faith, or explore new beliefs
  • Fraternities and Sororities – lifelong community
  • LGBTQ+ - building community, connections, and opportunities for outreach
  • Outdoor Recreation – embrace adventure
  • Professional Development –exploring options and preparing for success
  • Politics – political debate and civic engagement
  • Publications and Media – including the nation’s oldest weekly and WRCU radio
  • Speaking Union – public oratory skills through debate, mock trials, and Model UN
  • Student Government Association – lead in your campus community
  • Sustainability – help steward the earth’s resources
  • Volunteerism – making a difference locally and globally
  • Wellness – promote a holistic lifestyle

Club sports and Outdoor Recreation are listed under “Athletics and Recreation.”

Student Government Association

The Student Government Association (SGA) is the primary organization that represents the will of the Colgate student body. Among other rights listed in Article II of the SGA constitution, every Colgate student has the right to vote, run for a position, and join recognized organizations. The elected officials of SGA are charged with improving campus life by promoting student concerns.

The SGA executive group is composed of the president, vice president, elections commission, communications director, recording secretary, and senate-approved ad hoc positions. The president and vice president are the primary figures representing the SGA and its members to the administration, the faculty, trustees, alumni, and outside parties. Additionally, the president chairs SGA executive meetings that provide the forum for collaboration between the branches of student government and set the agenda for Senate meetings.

The SGA legislature is composed of the senate, parliamentarian, treasurer, and liaison to student organizations. The senate consists of 40 senators, 10 elected by each class. The senate is chaired by the speaker of the senate, who assigns senators into committees fulfilling the following roles: student affairs, academic affairs, government affairs, student organizations, class affairs, and external affairs. The treasurer chairs the Budget Allocations Committee (BAC), which distributes the revenue from the student activities fee. The BAC meets weekly to hear funding requests from student organizations.

The senate holds weekly meetings to consider matters concerning the entire Colgate community. All meetings are open to the student body and all students are encouraged to attend. Students interested in working with the SGA to improve campus life should contact any SGA official or stop by the SGA office in the O’Connor Campus Center.

ALANA Cultural Center

The ALANA Cultural Center fosters understanding and appreciation of Africana, Latin American, Asian American, and Native American cultures, struggles, and accomplishments. Sponsoring extensive programming throughout the year, the center collaborates with both ALANA student organizations and academic programs concerned with multicultural issues and education. 

Shaw Wellness Institute

The Shaw Wellness Institute promotes the holistic development of students, encouraging them and other members of the Colgate community to lead healthy, balanced, and purposeful lives. The institute’s work includes the identification and prioritization of health issues that impact student success; individualized services for alcohol and other drugs and nutrition; resources and support for students managing disordered eating, body image, or eating disorders; skills-based workshops and training on a range of health-related behaviors; peer-led health education and alumni mentoring; and collaboration with campus partners on wellness programs and services.

LGBTQ+ Inititives 



The Max A. Shacknai Center for Outreach, Volunteerism, and Education (the COVE) is Colgate’s center for service, citizenship, and community building and fosters commitment to social responsibility and civic engagement within the Colgate community. The COVE supports 40 student-led community-based teams (volunteer groups); offers alternative break opportunities; serves as a resource to the faculty for developing and teaching service-learning courses; sponsors an internship program; offers a pre-orientation service program; participates in campus life initiatives; offers topical, skill-based learning opportunities; raises awareness for local, national, and global social issues; and provides programming in social change–oriented career choices. The COVE includes a lounge, conference room, and staff offices.

Fraternity and Sorority Advising

With a history dating back to 1856, Colgate currently recognizes five national fraternities and three national sororities. Fraternities and Sororities emphasize shared values and responsibilities, provide leadership opportunities, and allow members to live together. The buildings that house the eight recognized fraternity and sorority chapters are owned by the University, and their residents are held to the same high standards as students residing in other living units. Fraternities and sororities at Colgate are advised by professional staff members and receive guidance and support from their national chapters as well as from their organizations’ alumni advisers. Affiliation with these organizations may occur during the sophomore year.

Nearly all students who join a Greek-letter organization blend their involvement with other extracurricular and athletic activities, undergraduate research, and/or employment. Not every member lives in the chapter house (only juniors and seniors are eligible), although residence in chapter houses is reserved solely for members of that organization.

In keeping with Colgate’s commitment to an environment free of discrimination, fraternity and sorority members are selected on the basis of potential for positive contributions to the chapter’s values and objectives. University policies regarding Fraternities and sororities recognition, conduct, and membership can be found in the Colgate University Student Handbook.

Religious Life and Organizations

The college years are often a time when people shape and refine their fundamental life commitments. The Office of the Chaplains serves the Colgate community by cultivating strong, active faith communities and providing a dynamic, friendly, and supportive place in which students can seek answers to life’s biggest questions. Students are encouraged to become the best versions of themselves, growing as people of integrity and commitment. It is the hope that, through participation in Colgate’s religious communities, students will be brought to a greater understanding of and fidelity toward their own traditions.

Interfaith partnership is a strongly held value at Colgate. The interfaith dynamic recognizes substantive differences while also promoting respect and friendship across religious lines. Since college provides significant opportunities to explore the ways in which others make sense of the world, the chaplaincy program promotes interfaith understanding and cooperation.

In embracing Colgate’s motto, “For God and Truth,” the Office of the Chaplains works collaboratively with members of Colgate’s faculty and staff to provide students with intellectually robust ways to integrate their religious and ethical commitments with their academic pursuits.

The Colgate Buddhist Community, founded in 2003, meets regularly for meditation. The student-run organization collaborates with faculty and staff members and the group facilitates discussions on Buddhist thought and how to integrate the teachings into the lives of busy college students.

Colgate Christian Fellowship, the student-led chapter of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, maintains close relationships with churches in the area as well as the Colgate chaplains. The CCF sponsors weekly large-group meetings, regular small-group bible study, speakers, social events, and service projects.

The Colgate Newman Community is centered in the celebration of the Eucharist and seeks to create a faithful Catholic community on campus. It has four primary concerns: the worship of Jesus Christ, service and hospitality to the needy, education and spiritual formation, and building community through social activities.

The Hindu Student Association gives Hindu students an opportunity to observe their religion and provides the community a chance to learn more about Hinduism. In addition to regular prayer meetings, the HSA celebrates Hindu holidays, including organizing an annual Diwali festival with prayers and festivities.

The Colgate Jewish Union/Hillel is a student-led organization that promotes Jewish religious, intellectual, and cultural life. The Saperstein Jewish Center houses kosher kitchens, a library of Judaica, and a lounge space. It is also home to a sanctuary where students lead services and prepare Shabbat dinner weekly.

The Muslim Student Association provides an opportunity for Muslim students to worship, to socialize, and to educate themselves and others about Islam. The student-led group holds regular Friday Jummah prayers, Quranic study, Eid celebrations and iftar meals, halal dinners, film screenings, discussions, and excursions.

University Church, Colgate’s Protestant community, is committed to embodying the diversity of the Body of Christ by celebrating a range of worship styles and ministry emphases. Worship is followed by a catered dinner. Music is rich and varied, preaching is biblically centered, and the Lord’s Supper is celebrated each week. Led by the Protestant Campus Minister and a student board of deacons, University Church life includes Bible study lunches, speakers, social events, and service projects.

The Secular Association of Skeptical Students seeks to alleviate the stigma against non-theists by promoting education, cooperation, community service, and active involvement in the interfaith movement at Colgate. Through philosophical discussion and guest speaker events, students have an opportunity to add their non-religious views to the interfaith discussion.

Colgate Christian Athletes supports students as they strive to live a Christian lifestyle at Colgate. The group meets weekly, led by the Protestant Campus Minister.

Heretics Club is a lunchtime discussion series meant to elevate the conversation on campus about life’s “big questions.” Through lectures and discussions among a diverse group of faculty, staff, and students, the series demonstrates that people of different religious convictions and worldviews can have meaningful and productive conversation about ultimate ideas. 

Area congregations Students are welcome to worship with local congregations, including Cornerstone Baptist Church, First Baptist Church, Park United Methodist Church, St. Thomas’ Episcopal Church, St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Hamilton Bible Fellowship, Randallsville New Life Church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and a nearby Quaker meeting.

Student Services

Student Health Services

Student Health Services promotes healthy lifestyles through education and preventative medical care and provides diagnostic services and treatment of illness and medical conditions. Services include general medical treatment, including for minor injuries or surgery, sexual and reproductive health exams, testing, treatment, counseling, immunizations, and travel counseling.

Student Health Services is staffed by a full-time physician, physician assistant, nurse practitioner, and team of nurses during business hours when classes are in session, and urgent care and emergency room services are available locally through Community Memorial Hospital. 

Student Health Services adheres to New York State health regulations. Medical information is strictly confidential and may be released only with the written permission of the student. The medical record is not accessible to anyone other than the professional staff of the Student Health Center. In case of a serious medical emergency, a student’s emergency contacts and the students administrative dean will be notified.

Medical Coverage After matriculation, any treatment undertaken while the student is off campus should be reported to the director of health services. Students with pre-existing health problems, injuries, or disabilities are invited to contact the director of health services to discuss their health needs and the availability of local or out-of-town services. Student are responsible for providing transportation to healthcare facilities outside of Colgate.

The university requires students to carry acceptable health and accident insurance. Colgate offers a health care plan that is available for all students (see Insurance ).Many services are free of charge, with some services requiring additional costs. 

Counseling and Psychological Services

Counseling and Psychological Services, located in Conant House, is staffed by psychologists, social workers, and counselors representing a wide range of backgrounds, training, and professional interests. Students are offered counsel on a variety of psychological, interpersonal, and academic problems that may interfere with educational and/or personal development.

Information shared by students during counseling is held in the strictest confidence and will not be communicated by Counseling Center staff members to anyone unless requested by the student, required by law, or in order to avoid what appears to be a clear and imminent danger to the student or others. Information would be released only after most careful deliberation and then only to appropriate persons.

Individual and group psychotherapy and counseling are provided free of charge. In addition, outreach programs (addressing a variety of issues including eating disorders, stress management, and relationship concerns), emergency services, crisis intervention, and consultation are offered to individuals and student groups.

Specialized counseling and support services for survivors of sexual assault are also available through Haven. Services are available during business hours while Colgate is in session. Emergencies services are available for after hours and weekends.

Students with pre-existing conditions are invited to contact the director of counseling and psychological services to discuss their needs and the availability of local or out-of-town services.


Haven, located in the garden level of Curtis Hall, is Colgate’s sexual assault support and resource center. Professional staff at Haven provide confidential trauma-informed clinical care for survivors of sexual assault and other forms of sexual or intimate partner violence and support, education, and advocacy for the campus community. Services include individual counseling, group therapy, consultation, and crisis intervention, as well as sexual assault awareness, prevention, and educational outreach and programming in collaboration with on- and off-campus partners.

Residential Life

A residential liberal arts education furthers intellectualism, civic engagement, understanding, respect for all aspects of diversity and inclusion, personal wellness and accountability, and the development of lifelong connections.

Colgate’s residential environment supports students’ formal education and, through extracurricular life, provides experiences and responsibilities of being a contributing member of a respectful and just community. 

The communities within student living areas offer a variety of experiences. These experiences include:

  • Residential Commons program for all first-year and sophomore students, and leadership and living opportunities for juniors and seniors (see below for more information)
  • Sophomore residential seminars — academic courses with a housing and international travel component

  • Interest communities where students learn skills of community building and civic engagement

  • Opportunities to live in community as part of a fraternity or sorority

  • Residences offering junior and senior students more independence

  • Community leaders live in most residences and help build community in their residential area, serve as a resource to their residents, and assist the Office of Residential Life with the fulfillment of the departmental mission.

Colgate provides vibrant and diverse options for campus living, including traditional residence halls, thematic communities, townhouses, and apartment complexes. The university housing agreement is for a period of one academic year. A limited number of seniors are granted approval to live off campus.

The Office of Residential Life is committed to student learning and growth and to promoting a purposeful and inclusive environment through shared expectations. This is accomplished by promoting healthy, safe communities where individual members are valued and respected; fostering personal growth and success; and challenging and supporting students in making meaningful and responsible contributions to society. The department is managed by the director of residential life and is staffed by residential life professionals who provide guidance and support to all students.

Each living community on campus is overseen by an assistant director for residential life who is responsible for its overall operation, including staff and resource management, community development, and administrative functions. The community leaders (student staff members) serve as mentors and sources of information to assist students in making their Colgate experience as fulfilling as possible.

Residential Commons

The Residential Commons is designed to provide a strong sense of community for students in their first years on campus, connecting them to faculty members and easing their transition to collegiate life. Every first-year and sophomore student is a member of one of four faculty-led residential commons on campus. In each of these residential learning communities, faculty co-leaders are especially engaged with students, holding study groups in the commons’ residence halls and organizing cultural and intellectual programming. Through community-service activities, recreational programming, and social outings and events, students form lasting bonds with their peers, as well as faculty and staff members. The four commons include Brown Commons (Andrews and East halls, Gate House, 110 Broad Street, 100 Hamilton Street, and a new residence hall), Ciccone Commons (Curtis and Drake halls), Dart Colegrove Commons (Stillman and West halls and a new residence hall), and Hancock Commons (Bryan Complex, 94 Broad Street).

Additional housing options for sophomores include the townhouses, commons social houses on Broad Street, 113 Broad Street, and 100 Hamilton Street.

Sophomore Residential Seminars


Interest Communities

One of the attractive features of residential life at Colgate is the opportunity to live in small, self-governed communities in which students learn skills of community building and civic engagement. Some of these communities have strong links to academic departments and faculty mentors. Colgate also offers opportunities for small groups of students interested in living together. All provide students with opportunities for self-governance, leadership, and personal responsibility.

Interest communities offer diverse housing options, including fraternity and sorority houses, the Loj, Creative Arts House, Philanthropists at Colgate, Interfaith, Bunche House, La Casa, and Asia Interest House. 

Fraternities and Sororities


University Apartments and Townhouses

Colgate manages and maintains three apartment complexes (Newell, Parker, and University Court) and a townhouse complex that accommodate sophomores, juniors, and seniors. The units are furnished and have complete kitchens. While sophomores are required to be on a Colgate meal plan, junior and senior residents typically do their own cooking, although they are also welcome to purchase dining hall meal plans.

Community Leaders


Meal Plans

First-year and sophomore students, as well as any upper-level student living in a traditional residence hall, are required to be on the most comprehensive meal plan offered. Juniors and seniors not living in traditional residence halls may choose from a variety of meal plan options, or can opt out of a meal plan altogether. All meal plans provide flexibility for use in any of the dining facilities, at a wide variety of times.

Off-Campus Housing

Consistent with its four-year approach to residential education, Colgate allows a small number of seniors to live off campus in apartments and other housing units. The option to live independently off campus provides students with the opportunity to develop the skills needed to manage a household and live as part of a broader community, and to accept the responsibilities attendant to this privilege. The experiences that students gather through negotiating a lease, paying rent, managing routine expenses, cooking for themselves, and living among neighbors of varied ages and backgrounds can be invaluable in preparing them for life after college.

Because the residential campus experience is a core component of Colgate’s educational model, the University limits the number of students allowed to live off campus. Seniors who wish to live off campus must apply to the Office of Residential Life for permission to do so. Permission is granted, on a group basis, through a lottery process conducted in the fall semester of junior year.

University Governance

The University Governance System

An Academic Affairs Board and a Student Affairs Board, both of which are composed of faculty members, students, and administrators, participate in the development of policies concerning academic and extracurricular life. In addition, several liaison committees that report to the faculty and Student Senate act in an advisory capacity to members of the president’s cabinet.

The faculty and the Student Senate may review decisions of the Academic and Student Affairs Boards, hear regular reports from the liaison committees that affect their principal areas of interest, and also recommend that the boards and committees act in any area under their jurisdiction.

University Code of Student Conduct

Students at Colgate University accept membership in an academic community dedicated to the pursuit of intellectual and personal growth. As a liberal arts institution, Colgate seeks to provide opportunities for students, both inside and outside the classroom, to develop critical thinking, integrity, judgment, a common experience of learning, and appreciation of cultural and ethnic diversity, as well as the social and ethical values necessary for community life.

Colgate expects its students to conduct themselves in a manner that is consistent with the institutional community’s pursuit of its educational objectives. The integrity of the Colgate community depends upon each member’s acceptance of individual responsibility and respect for the rights of others. Colgate expects that its students will not lie, steal, cheat, or engage in dishonest or unlawful behavior or any other behavior intended to inflict physical or emotional harm on oneself, another person, or the community. Colgate students must abide by university policies and comply with directions of university officials acting in performance of their duties.

The System of University Standards and Student Conduct resolves possible violations of the University Code of Student Conduct by matriculated or enrolled Colgate students on or off campus. It is not a substitute for any civil or criminal court proceedings. Students on campus, as well as off campus, are subject to federal, state, and local laws.

As part of its disciplinary structure, Colgate maintains a University Student Conduct Board composed of students, faculty members, and administrators. It hears cases involving violations of the University Code of Student Conduct.

The procedures and rules for student discipline are published in the Colgate Student Handbook.

Academic Honor Code

The Colgate Student Handbook outlines Colgate’s standards of academic integrity and the Academic Honor Code. The handbook defines academic dishonesty and outlines how cases of suspected academic dishonesty are reported, investigated, and resolved.

Policy on Public Order and/or Hazing

Colgate is committed to conducting its affairs in an orderly manner and to maintaining a sense of community. It is also committed to the discharge of legal and moral responsibilities, especially as they relate to the rights of freedom of speech and peaceful assembly in the University community. Lawlessness in any form, or for any reason, will not be tolerated. Specifically prohibited is any action or situation that recklessly or intentionally endangers mental or physical health, or involves the forced consumption of alcohol or drugs for the purpose of initiation or affiliation with any organization. For the full policy on hazing, see the Colgate Student Handbook.

Individuals or groups who engage in acts that, in the judgment of the president of the University or designated representatives, violate public order on University property or on property supervised by the University, or who ignore or refuse to comply with specific university directives designed to maintain public order, or who pose a threat to the lives or safety of themselves or others, will be advised of the following consequences of such acts:

  1. Visitors or licensees will be directed to leave the university property or be subject to immediate arrest and removal.
  2. Students, faculty, staff, or other employees will be suspended from whatever status the individual has with the University and/or be subject to such other penalties deemed to be more effective. Disciplinary actions will be subject to review by the appropriate body by procedures adopted by the faculty for faculty members, by the University Student Conduct Board for students, and by the president of the University or designates for all others.
  3. Failure by students, members of the faculty or staff, or other employees to comply with University directives may result in civil or criminal prosecution of the individuals or groups concerned including, if necessary, ejection from the University property or property supervised by the University. Other disciplinary action including expulsion or dismissal will be taken by the University as deemed appropriate.
  4. Any organization that authorizes or permits proscribed conduct referred to above shall be subject to rescission of permission for that organization to operate on campus property.

The above resolution was moved, duly seconded, and formally voted at the meeting of the Colgate University Board of Trustees on November 12, 1980, a quorum as required by the Bylaws being present for the conduct of business.

Campus Crime Reporting and Statistics

Colgate University is committed to providing a safe, supportive, and secure environment for the entire University community, including visitors. All members of the Colgate community are encouraged to promptly report crimes and fires to the Campus Safety Department by dialing 315-228-7911. Campus Safety is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The Campus Safety Department will provide upon request a copy of Colgate’s Annual Security and Fire Safety Report. This report includes statistics as reported to the United States Department of Education for the previous three years concerning reported:

  1. crimes that occurred on campus; in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by Colgate University; and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from, the campus and
  2. fires that occurred in student housing facilities.

The report also includes institutional policies concerning campus security and fire safety, such as policies concerning sexual assault, life safety systems, and other related matters. To obtain a copy contact Gert Neubauer, Associate Director of Campus Safety, 315-228-7333, or via e-mail at gneubauer@colgate.edu. You may also access the report at: colgate.edu/campussafety.

Crime and fire statistics for all colleges and universities are available for review at the United States Department of Education’s website: ope.ed.gov/security/.

Athletics and Recreation

The Division of Physical Education, Recreation, and Athletics offers a stimulating and carefully planned variety of individual and team activities for the experienced, as well as inexperienced, participant. While Colgate’s varsity teams compete against some of the strongest teams in the nation, the intramural and club sports programs offer both competitive and noncompetitive recreational and instructional opportunities in extremely broad-based programs.

The campus governance system, through the Committee on Athletics, provides for faculty and student input into the varied programs of the Division of Physical Education, Recreation, and Athletics. The committee acts as an advisory body to the director of the division. Committee reports may go on to the Academic Affairs Board, faculty, or Student Senate.

Intercollegiate Athletics

Scope Colgate is a member of NCAA Division I and proud of its intercollegiate athletic traditions. The University has played an active and distinguished role in intercollegiate athletics since 1886 and currently fields teams in the following sports for men and women: basketball, cross country, ice hockey, lacrosse, rowing, soccer, swimming, tennis, and track and field; football and golf for men; and field hockey, softball, and volleyball for women. All teams compete in the Patriot League, with the exception of men’s and women’s ice hockey, which are members of the Eastern College Athletic Conference, and men’s rowing, which is a member of the International Rowing Association.

Athletics Awards A varsity or a participation award is granted based on the number of years an athlete is a member of a varsity team.

The division recognizes outstanding scholar athletes through the Patriot League Conference and the Eastern College Athletic Conference. See also Honors and Awards: Athletics  for information about Colgate awards for scholar athletes.

Athletics Managers Students who enjoy affiliation with sports but are not members of varsity teams can pursue their interests in athletics by serving as managers.

Other Athletics Activities

Club Sports provide additional opportunities for involvement in sports, many of which are not normally offered through the intercollegiate varsity program. Competition is generally on a higher level than intramural sports, yet not as formal or intense as that at the varsity level.

The clubs are headed by student officers, and most are student coached. Although the University subsidizes these clubs, most require membership dues to help defray costs.

The following clubs are active at this time: badminton, baseball, women’s basketball, curling, cycling, equestrian (English and Western), fencing, field hockey, figure skating, golf, ice hockey, indoor rock climbing, juggling, lacrosse, martial arts (aikido, American karate, and tae kwon do), rugby, running, sailing, ski racing, soccer, squash, swimming, table tennis, tennis, triathlon, ultimate Frisbee, volleyball, and water polo.

Intramural Sports at Colgate have a rich tradition. Many activities are offered throughout the academic year, ranging from team sports such as, basketball, billiards, broomball, dodgeball, flag football, ice hockey, indoor soccer, soccer, and softball, to individual or dual activities such as trap shooting and bowling.

In the team sports, round-robin competition is established within leagues, culminating in all-university championship playoffs for the top teams. In the individual and dual sports, either elimination tournaments or championship meets determine all-university champions. Fees are charged for bowling and trap shooting.

Informal Recreation Informal “drop-in” recreational time is made available so that students can participate at their leisure. Except for physical education classes, intercollegiate athletic practice times, and formal intramural time, most facilities are scheduled for open recreation. Popular activities include basketball, ice skating, racquetball, squash, swimming, tennis, and fitness training.

Fitness Fitness and wellness programming are in high demand at the state-of-the-art Trudy Fitness Center. Colgate offers a wide range of group exercise classes for all fitness levels. Group exercise classes are offered throughout the academic year and are a fun and social way to be physically active. Class offerings include yoga, indoor cycling, aerobics, Pilates, dance fitness and high intensity interval training. In addition, Colgate Recreation offers fitness center orientations, workshops on various health and fitness topics and personal training services. Personal training is a fee-based service and all Colgate Personal Trainers are certified professionals by an accredited organization.

Outdoor Education The mission of Colgate’s Outdoor Education Program is to provide the community with experiential opportunities that emphasize safety, environmental awareness, and technical skills, while promoting personal growth and group development through rediscovery of the natural world. Students may earn physical education credit for participation in outdoor education activities and courses. Outdoor education courses offered for physical education credit are noncompetitive in nature and are designed to meet the needs of beginning- and intermediate-level participants. Courses taught include flat and whitewater kayaking and canoeing; backpacking; Nordic skiing (classical, skate, and telemark); caving; rock, ice, and tree climbing; snowshoeing; wilderness survival; fly fishing; winter and summer camping; geocaching; peak and day hiking; and backcountry cooking.

The program also includes a selective and intensive leadership staff training program through which student leaders are taught technical outdoor skills, environmental education, safety awareness, and group facilitation skills. Staff training consists of classroom time and experiential outings, including camping trips to the Adirondacks and a Wilderness First Responder medical certification course.

For more information about the Outdoor Education Program and its offerings, see Physical Education.

Athletics Facilities

Abrahamson Tennis Courts

  • Eight outdoor courts

Athletics Fields

  • 400-meter all-weather track
  • Andy Kerr Stadium and Frederick H. Dunlap Stands - varsity football and lacrosse
  • Beyer-Small ‘76 Field
  • Football practice fields
  • Harry Lang Cross-Country and Fitness Trail
  • Hooks Wiltse Field - varsity softball diamond
  • Intramural and club fields
  • Soccer practice fields
  • Tyler’s Field - outdoor artificial surface practice and competition field, field hockey and lacrosse

The Beattie Reserve

  • 85-acre wooded area with a mile-long nature trail for hiking, snowshoeing, and skiing; a 30-foot diameter yurt with woodstove and outhouse; and an Adirondack-style lean-to for camping, located near campus on Bonney Road

Class of 1965 Arena

  • Steven J. Riggs ‘65 Rink
  • Tighe P. Sullivan ‘83, P’16, ‘17, ‘19 Reception Suite
  • Equipment and training rooms

Colgate University Seven Oaks Golf Course

  • Practice range
  • Robert Trent Jones championship course

Glendening Boathouse

  • Home for varsity rowing programs and recreational sailing, canoeing, kayaking, and rowing on nearby Lake Moraine

Huntington Gymnasium

  • Facilities for physical education classes, club and intramural sports, and recreation:
    • Angert Family Climbing Wall
    • Basketball/volleyball courts
    • Group Exercise Studios
    • Gymnasium
    • Huntington Equipment Services
    • Indoor Cycling Studio
    • Mark P. Buttitta ‘74 Varsity Weight Room
    • Martial Arts Studio
    • Persson Dance Studio
    • Sauna
    • Squash, handball, and racquetball courts

Harry H. Lang Cross-Country Course

  • Intercollegiate cross-country course for men and women
  • 10-km cross-country ski trail system

Grace L. Lineberry Natatorium

  • An L-shaped, 50-meter, 6-lane pool, with a 50-yard competition area, one- and three-meter diving stations, and movable bulk-heads that allow the pool to be separated into three teaching areas

Outdoor Education Base Camp

  • Classroom and meeting space for outdoor education courses and activities
  • Outdoor equipment rental center with an extensive inventory of camping, backpacking, skiing, and snowshoeing equipment
  • Resource library of maps, books, and videos

William A. Reid Athletic Center

  • Geyer/Campbell Sports Medicine Center
  • Howard Starr Hockey Rink
  • Wesley M. Cotterell Court - basketball and volleyball

Charles H. Sanford Field House

  • 200-meter track
  • All-purpose practice surface
  • Batting cages
  • Doering First Aid Room
  • Long- and high-jump areas
  • Tennis courts - four indoor

Trap Range

  • Trap range and club house facility

Trudy Fitness Center

  • A state-of-the-art fitness center available to members of the campus and local community; with common space for exercise, wellness-related activity, and cardiovascular and strength equipment

ROTC Program

Students attending Colgate can participate in the Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) through a program administered at Syracuse University. ROTC offers two- to four-year programs with the opportunity for merit-based scholarships. For more information, call the Syracuse University ROTC program at 315-443-2462, or view information online at armyrotc.syr.edu.